2022 Money Moves
It’s a 2022 recap of our money moves, challenges and goals for 2023.

One Year Alcohol-Free
My observations from being one year alcohol-free. Spoiler: I don’t miss it.

Change Your Dopamine Response to Saving From Spending
Big Marketing has succeeded in harnessing the power of Dopamine to get us to buy stuff. We need to transition our Dopamine response to saving.

How We Paid Off $170,000 of Debt in 10 Years
In 2010, a pair of rundown buildings sent us into deep personal debt. This is how we paid off $170,000 of debt in 10 years

What I learned from binge-listening to the entire Journey to Launch podcast
It took me several months, but I binged-listed to all 270+ episodes of Journey to Launch and I’m here on the other side to write about it

The Top 8 Newbie Urban Gardening Mistakes
Learn the top newbie urban gardening mistakes to avoid so you can hit the soil running.

The Big Difference Between Us and the Millennials
My generation has something going for it the Millennials don’t have.

But are you happy?
My goal to create a company maximized for happiness for everyone involved — owners, employees and clients.

Sooo, I captioned one of my videos
How Mia and I came to learn ASL, accessibility and becoming a better presenter.

It’s WordCamp Season!
It’s finally nice out which means it’s WordCamp season in Philly and beyond!

How I Got the Nickname Lil’ Jimmi
Last week, I saw Neutral Milk Hotel. It was my friend Sara Weaver’s favorite band. She played In The Aeroplane Over The Sea constantly in her van. The girl was very messy and she would lose the CD then buy a new one.

Shooting the Legendary Blue Horizon
Photography is an expensive hobby so I was incredibly excited when one of my clients, Benita Cooper emailed me out of the blue asking if I would be interested in a PAID photography job for her interior design business.